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Home Resident Council Tax Council Tax Premiums Consultation

Council Tax Premiums Consultation

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From 1 April 2017 under Part 7, Section 139 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, Authorities in Wales have the discretion to charge Council Tax Premiums on long-term empty properties and second homes.

From 1st April 2023, local authorities were given the power by Welsh Government to raise council tax premiums for long-term empty and second homes by up to 300% over the standard charge.

Conwy County Borough Council, at its meeting on 19th October 2023 (in accordance with section 12a and 12b of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as inserted by section 139 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014), made the following determinations:

  • (i)  That the decision to charge a 100% Council Tax Premium for both Second Homes and Long-Term Empty Homes from 1st April 2024 be approved; and also to
  • (ii)  Recommend an indicative level of 200% Council Tax Premium on Second Homes and Long-Term Empty Homes from 1st April 2025, with the introduction of an increased premium of 300% for long term empty properties which have been empty for 5 years or more, subject to review during 2024/2025

The Affordable Housing (Council Tax Premium) Working Group of Members meet each financial year to review the position, duly taking into account all of the available information and latest consultation results prior to proposing a recommendation, which is then reviewed and considered through the democratic process.

The levying of the Premium has the potential to generate additional revenue used to support the Housing and Homeless budget which as a result of demand has increased from £2.15 million in 2020/21 to £5.36 million in 2024/25.   The intention of the policy is to use the premium as a tool to achieve the following objectives. If successful, this will reduce both the revenue generated from the premium and the demand placed on the Housing and Homeless budget.

  • Bring Long-Term Empty Homes back into use
  • Increase the supply of affordable housing
  • Enhance the sustainability of local communities
  • Help meet local housing needs.

A further consultation on the proposed premiums is currently being undertaken by Conwy County Borough Council and we would value your input into the consultation. The consultation results will be considered by the Affordable Housing (Council Tax Premium) Working Group.

Complete the consultation survey


This consultation ends on 18 August 2024.

If you have any questions please email

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