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Re-location Foundation Phase Behaviour Resource - The Consultation

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2. The Consultation

The consultation will be held between 5 December 2022 and 1.00 p.m. on 27 January 2023.The consultation refers only to the proposal to re-locate Foundation Phase Resource provision for Behaviour.

2.1 Consultees

This Consultation Document will be distributed, in accordance with the Welsh Government’s School Organisation Code, to the following consultees during the statutory consultation period:

Parents (and where possible prospective parents), carers and guardians and staff members of schools affected by the proposals

  • The Head Teacher of Canolfan Addysg Conwy for further distribution to parents, carers, guardians and members of staff.
  • The Head Teachers of all other Conwy primary schools, for further distribution to parents, carers and guardians.

The maintaining or proposed maintaining authority for any school likely to be affected by the proposals

  • Conwy County Borough Council is presenting the proposal.

Any other local authority (including those in England, where appropriate) likely to be affected - including in the case of dedicated SEN provision any authority placing or likely to place pupils with SEN in it

  • Denbighshire County Council -
  • Gwynedd Council -
  • Isle of Anglesey County Council -

The Church in Wales and Roman Catholic Diocesan Authority for the area in which any school likely to be affected is located

  • Church in Wales St Asaph Diocesan Authority -
  • Roman Catholic Diocese of Wrexham -

The governing body of any school which is the subject of the proposals

  • The Management Committee of Canolfan Addysg Conwy.

The governing body of any other schools which the proposer considers are likely to be affected by the proposals

  • N/A

Welsh Ministers


Constituency and Regional Assembly Members (AMs) and Members of Parliament (MPs) representing the area served by / intended to be served by any school which is the subject of the proposals

  • Janet Finch Saunders AM -
  • Llyr Huws Gruffydd AM -
  • Mark Isherwood AM -
  • Darren Millar AM -
  • Sam Rowlands AM -
  • Carolyn Thomas AM -
  • Cllr Louise Emery, Gogarth Mostyn ward -
  • Cllr Mandy Hawkins, Gogarth Mostyn ward -
  • Cllr Harry Saville, Gogarth Mostyn ward -


  • Owen Evans, Education and Training in Wales Chief Inspector -

Teaching and staff trade unions representing teachers and other staff at any school which is the subject of the proposals

  • NEU -
  • NAHT -
  • NASUWT -
  • UCAC -
  • UNISON -
  • Unite -
  • GMB -
  • ASCL -

Regional Education Consortium

  • Arwyn Thomas, Chief Officer GwE -

Police and Crime Commissioner

  • Andy Dunbobbin, North Wales Police Commissioner -

Any community or town council for the area served by the school which is the subject of this proposal

  • Llandudno Town Council -

Local Communities First Partnership

  • Marianne Jackson, Head of Community Development Service -

Relevant Health Bodies with an interest

  • Dr Hamilton Grantham, Consultant Community Paediatrician, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board -


  • All Education staff

2.2 Meetings

During the consultation period, Conwy Social Inclusion Service will hold “drop-in” sessions to discuss the proposals with teaching and support staff, parents and carers, and members of the public. Comments received during this statutory consultation period will be considered by the Cabinet before Conwy County Borough Council decide whether or not to continue with the proposal, and whether a Statutory Notice on the proposal should be published.

2.3 Consultation for children and young people

Arrangements will also be made to obtain the views of the children and young people attending Canolfan Addysg Conwy.  This will be done through the school’s Council and designated session(s) to be arranged with the pupils at Canolfan Addysg Conwy.

2.4 Comments: contact address and deadline

You can respond to this consultation by completing the response form online.

You can also respond by e-mail or post.

Post:  Education Services, PO Box 1, Conwy LL30 9GN

Note:  All responses, whether online, by post or by e-mail, must arrive at Education Services by no later than 13:00 on 27 January 2023.

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