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Home Business Business Rates Non Domestic Rates Billing, Reminder and Recovery Process

Non Domestic Rates Billing, Reminder and Recovery Process

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Annual bill

An annual  Non Domestic Rates demand will usually be issued in March of each year for the next financial period. The demand will show the ten statutory instalments from April to January which are due on the first of each month. It is also now possible to pay over twelve months to spread the cost.  

You can now receive your bill electronically

If you pay by Direct Debit you also have a choice of payment dates. Simply complete a Direct Debit form so we can arrange this for you. 


If a payment is overdue then a reminder notice will be issued. If the payment is brought up to date within seven days of the reminder then the instalments will continue. Failure to make payment as requested will result in the issue of a Magistrates Court Summons for the FULL amount of Non Domestic Rates due for the year. This course of action will incur costs of £70.00.  

Problems paying your Non Domestic Rates?

Let us help you.  If you cannot make this payment please contact the Business Rates department immediately.  If you do not let us know you are struggling to pay, you may incur further costs and charges which have to be paid. 

Non Domestic Rates Department Telephone Number: 01492 576609

Online Enquiry Form

If you wish to obtain advice on what help may be available to your business in areas other than Business Rates you may also wish to contact: Councils Business and Development Department on: 01492 574574 or by email to

Weblink: Business-Rates-NNDR-Rate-Relief

What if I do not agree that the Rateable Value of my property is correct?

Any person who does not agree with the Rateable Value shown in the Rating List may appeal against the value. All proposals must be made to The Valuation Officer and not to Conwy County Borough Council. An appeal must be in writing and state the reasons why the value is incorrect. However, Rateable Values can go up as well as down and you will need to take this into account when deciding whether or not to appeal against the value.

Valuation Office Tel: 03000 504240


Valuation Office Agency
Ty Rhodfa  
Ty Glas Road
CF14 5GR

However, Non Domestic Rates are payable on the basis of the rateable value currently appearing in the list and you remain liable to pay the account sent to you until such time as the rateable value in the list is amended. If the value is reduced, any overpayment will be refunded, together with any interest that might be due in certain instances.


If the Reminder is not paid in full then a Magistrate's Court Summons will be issued for the FULL amount of Non Domestic Rates due for the year plus costs of £70.00. If payment is made in full including costs prior to the court date then no further action will take place. If payment is not made then an application will be made on the court date for a Liability Order.

It is possible to make an arrangement at this stage and it is important you contact the Non Domestic Rates section immediately to discuss your options. Please note, if an arrangement is made the Council will still apply for the Liability Order.

Non Domestic Rates Telephone number: 01492 576609

Email address:

Liability Order

If the Summons and costs are not paid in FULL by the court date, an application will be made for a Liability Order. This gives the council the power to recover the debt by instructing enforcement agents or applying to commit you to prison for up to 3 months. The Council may also instigate bankruptcy proceedings against you or obtain security for unpaid rates.

Enforcement Agents

If you have not made a suitable arrangement the Council has the power under a Liability Order, to use an enforcement agent to collect the debt.  Any arrangement made at this stage must be made with the enforcement agent. This course of action will incur further costs which are added to the amount you owe. 

Commitment to Prison

If the enforcement agents have been unable to recover the debt and it is returned to the council, you may be issued a Committal Summons for a Means Enquiry.

The Magistrates will look into your means and decide if non payment is due to wilful refusal or culpable neglect and can set a prison term of up to three months.

Bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings

The council may seek to instigate bankruptcy proceedings against you or your company. This course of action will:

  • Incur further costs on your account.
  • You may not be allowed to be a company director.
  • Your company will be wound up by the official receiver.
  • Your property or assets may be sold to recover the debt.

Security for unpaid rates

The council may obtain a charging order against your property, which may result in a force of sale to recover the debt and additional costs.

Enforcement Agents

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