How to Apply
Any person or developer wishing to propose a new or change a house/number/street name within the County Borough, shall read the Street Name and Numbering Policy (PDF, 124 Kb), and within the guidelines submit his/her proposal in writing using the appropriate form, accompanied by a site plan clearly indicating the location of the street.
Persons or developers submitting such proposals are strongly advised to undertake prior consultation with the Unit, to ensure that there is no conflict with existing street names. In particular, new housing developers are advised, after receiving planning consent, to seek early consultation with the Unit regarding house numbering arrangements and street names)
Naming/Renaming of a House
If a property is already numbered, a property owner can additionally name their property without contacting the Council as long as it does not conflict with an existing property name in that locality. The property name in this case will not officially form part of the property address, and the property number must still be displayed and referred to in any correspondence.
You only need to seek permission from the Council if there is no number allocated in the official address (for example if the property has been allocated a name as part of its official address).
In the case of addresses where there is no number allocated, the allocated name does form part of the official address. In this instance property owners wishing to change the property name need to put their request in writing, stating their name, the present full address of the property and state clearly their new preferred name.
New Development (Residential) & New Development (non Domestic)
If you are a developer of a new property /small development or large estate, you should contact us as soon you commence work on site so we can process the naming or numbering of properties and new streets. We will check your suggested name for duplication in the local area and forward them to royal mail for consultation.
You will also be sent a copy of the naming and numbering schedule from which we would ask you to inform all your prospective purchasers of their new property address.
Where appropriate, you will be asked to provide new street name plates to our standard design, specification and a cost will be provided at the appropriate time.
Please ensure that your application form (listed below) is included with the fee.
Legislation and Conditions
Contact Details
For all enquiries:
- Telephone: 01492 576626
Monday to Thursday 10.00am to 12:30pm
You may make your application:
Licensing Section
PO Box 1
LL30 9GN