Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Climate Emergency Declaration

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We are committed to taking action on climate change
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The Council is focused on Climate Change as the defining issue of our time and the greatest threat to our well-being, globally and locally.  We are committed to taking action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We will prepare for and mitigate the impacts of global warming, sea level rise and extreme weather events. 

On 9th May 2019, this resolution was passed unanimously at Full Council:

“The Council notes that the effects of climate change and extreme weather events have already had an impact on residents within the county, and those living in increasingly high risk flood areas.

The Council also notes that sea level is expected to rise by 1.1 metres over the next century, and that every year floods cost around £200 million to the Welsh economy.

The Council declares a climate emergency and commits to ensuring that the county continues to be a lively, viable and sustainable home for our children and future generations.

The Council calls on the Welsh Government to commit to taking the positive steps needed to reduce carbon emissions and strive to create a carbon-neutral future “The Council calls on Welsh Government to provide the necessary support and resources to enable effective carbon reductions across Wales.

The Council will task the Green Programme Board to develop, during the next 12 months, a clear plan for a route towards the Authority being a net zero carbon user. The plan will be designed with a goal to be fully implemented during the following 10 years.”

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