Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

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Equality Impact Assessments

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Conwy County Borough Council has a specific duty, like all public authorities, to carry out and publish results of Equality Impact Assessments undertaken on new and revised policies
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Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is the term that describes the process of assessing the possible or likely consequences of proposed or revised policies or practices. Conwy County Borough Council carries out equality impact assessments to help it eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and to improve outcomes for different groups of people.

An EIA focuses specifically on identifying the different ways that different people might be affected by a proposal. As well as looking for ways to reduce negative impact, the assessment also provides scope to look for opportunities to create a more positive impact and to improve outcomes for people that are at greater risk of disadvantage.

The Council has a new EIA Policy in place and as EIA's are approved for publishing they will be published on this website.

For further information about the Council's approach to Equality Impact Assessments please email

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