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Citizenship Ceremonies

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Citizenship Ceremonies were introduced to ensure the approval of gaining Citizenship is not purely a formal administrative process but that all applicants should have the opportunity to celebrate the event of their new citizenship in the form of a Ceremony. 
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In Conwy the citizenship ceremonies are an opportunity to welcome new citizens to the County, to reinforce their rights and responsibilities and encourage them to play an active part in the local community.

At the Ceremony every applicant is required to swear an oath or allegiance to the Crown and make a pledge to uphold the values and laws of the Country. The Ceremonies in Conwy are regarded as enjoyable and meaningful events and attended by High Sheriff of Clwyd and the Chairman of Conwy County Borough Council and conducted by the Superintendent Registrar.

Where do the ceremonies take place?

The Ceremonies take place at the Town Hall, Llandudno every four to six weeks on a Saturday, usually at 10.30am. You may bring up to 3 guests with you and refreshments are generally served.

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