Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Flood Protection and Sandbags

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We do not hand out sand bags to businesses and residents during a flood – this page has information on how to make your own plans to protect your property.
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Flood Protection

We strongly recommend that residents and business owners have their own flood defence measures if they are concerned they might be at risk. This could include specifically designed flood protection products. During bad weather, we will make reasonable efforts to help residents who are at imminent risk of flooding, but this does depend on available resources at the time. We cannot guarantee that we can assist residents with all flood events.

If you are concerned that you may be at risk of flooding, we recommended that you think about putting in place your own flood protection.  The links below can provide further information about protecting your property.

Know Your Flood Risk – guides for residents and businesses

Natural Resources Wales – what to do before a flood

National Flood Forum – supporting people at risk of flooding

Blue Pages – a directory of flood protection suppliers

Sand bags

Sand bags help to divert and direct flows of flood water but they are not effective at protecting properties from groundwater flooding or sewer flooding. At best, sandbags only have a 40% chance of keeping water out of a property.

In accordance with Conwy’s sandbag policy:-

We will:

  • Use sandbags to divert the flow of flood water originating from Council-owned or Council-maintained areas. This includes highway gullies, culverts, ditches and ordinary watercourses (rivers or streams not maintained by Natural Resources Wales)
  • Subject to availability, use sandbags at locations where there is an imminent risk to life or property. This decision will be made by responding officers.
  • Give priority to elderly and vulnerable residents
  • Collect sandbags from Council-owned land and public open spaces and dispose of them

We will not:

  • Give out sandbags to private properties before a flood event
  • Give out sandbags to commercial properties at any time before, during or after a flood event. In exceptional circumstances, we may do this to protect neighbouring residential properties or essential infrastructure from flood damage
  • Allow residents to collect sandbags from Council depots. Residents wanting sandbags should arrange to get their own from a local builder’s merchant or similar company before any severe weather
  • Collect sandbags from private land, commercial premises or residential properties. (We will collect sandbags we have used for elderly or vulnerable residents).

The Council adopted a new sandbag policy in July 2017 which gives guidance and information to Officers, Members and the general public for using sandbags during extreme weather events.

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