Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Highway licences

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If you intend to do any work on the highway (either road or pavement) you must obtain a licence.

These activities include:

  • placing skips on the highway
  • putting up or dismantling scaffolding or hoarding
  • placing cranes, cherry pickers and mobile platforms on the highway
  • using temporary traffic signals

We also issue licences to excavate in the highway, and to place or repair apparatus in the highway.

Our Streetworks team issues Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders for road closures or parking prohibitions for roadworks and events.

How to apply

Download an application form, complete it in full (using the checklist where applicable) and email it to

Send your payment by cheque, made out to Conwy County Borough Council.

Environment, Roads & Facilities,
PO Box 1,
LL30 9GN

Highway Licences

License Description Processing time Licence costReference 
Section 50 licence (Residential) To place new apparatus in the highway for 1 residential dwelling  15 working days (minimum) £710 SW/1620 (ROLU) 
Section 50 licence (Residential) To place 2 new pieces of apparatus in 1 trench (such as foul and surface water) for 1 residential dwelling 15 working days (minimum) £1041 SW/1600 (ROLU)
Section 50 licence (Retail or industrial) To place new apparatus in the highway on a retail or industrial estate 15 working days (minimum)  £1041  SW/1620 (ROLU) 
Section 50 (New development) To place apparatus in the highway for 2 or more dwellings, including houses, bungalows, flats and maisonettes 15 working days (minimum)  £1078.80 + £120 per unit SW/1600 (ROLU) 
Section 171 licence To repair or replace existing apparatus  15 working days (minimum)  £438 SW/1610 (ROL) 
Section 171b licence To deposit building materials or plant on highway  5 working days  £170 SW/1620 (ROD) 


Item Description Processing time License cost 
Crane, cherry and mobile platform  To use one of the named platforms on the highway or footway  3 working days (minimum)  £170
Scaffold  To place scaffolding on property on side of highway or footway  2 working days  £85 + £12.86 parking restriction (£108 retrospective for non-licence) 
Skip  To put a skip on the highway  2 working days  £59 + £12.86 parking restriction   (£108 retrospective for non-licence) 
Signs  To put a sign on adopted highway. Such as new housing developments or businesses  £231 for the first sign and £115 per additional sign 
Vehicular Crossing (Section 184)  Vehicular Access to property  3 working days  £438


Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs)

Licence type Period of time that the licence will cover Processing Time Cost Reference 
By Notice  3 days or less  20 working days  £873 SW/1300 
By Order  Maximum of 18 months  6 weeks (minimum)  £3167 SW/1400 
Emergency Notice
(if you need your licence immediately) 
Maximum of 2 x 21 days, followed by possible 18 month order  Can be made up to 24 hours, by 10am on a Monday, after a road is closed  £1306 SW/1100 
Town Police Clauses
(not-for-profit charitable or civic event) 
Maximum of 3 days  28 days  No charge (as processing is seen as the Council's contribution towards the event)  SW/1500 
Special Events
(large scale event or race) 
Retrospective Closures

Any road closure without an approved TTRO application.

Or an emergency where the application has not being received within 24 hours 
 - £3167
 Temporary Traffic Control (Lights) N/A  No charge 


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