Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.
Home Resident Paying for Sundry Invoices Direct Debit - Sundry Invoices

Direct Debit - Sundry Invoices

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Direct Debit is without doubt the most efficient and economical method of payment for Sundry Debts.
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Direct Debit - Sundry Invoices

With a choice of three dates (16th, 20th and 28th monthly) ease of set up and a written guarantee of an instant refund should payment be made incorrectly, it's no wonder that this method of payment is the preferred option for more than half the customers in the Authority. There are three ways you can apply to pay by Direct Debit. Choose the one that suits you.

  • Internet application: Sundry Invoices - Direct Debit Application. Details of your Direct Debit payment arrangement will be issued at least fourteen days before the first instalment is due.
  • Request a form by post: Contact us either by telephone on 01492-576610 or in writing to request that a Direct Debit form be issued to you. Once completed, you should forward it to Sundry Invoices, PO Box 1, Conwy LL30 9GN. In due course you will receive confirmation of the due dates and amounts payable.
  • By personal visit: Call at any of the Council's Area Offices and complete a form. Again, when processed, you will receive confirmation of payment dates and amounts.


Postal Address 

Sundry Invoices
PO Box 1
LL30 9GN
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