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Home Council Access to Information Privacy Notices Public Protection -Environmental - Trading Standards - Licensing

Public Protection -Environmental - Trading Standards - Licensing

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Privacy Notice

When you contact the Public Protection  Team we will routinely collect certain personal information from you, for example: your name, your phone numbers, your email address and your home address and, at times, we may need or you will want to supply other personal information but the type of information we collect will depend on the nature of the enquiry/investigation and this could relate to many of our different services such as : pest control service requests,  environmental food health issues, advice, housing enforcement, investigations, licenses and permits, reporting a crime or comments on and notices and appeals you may wish to make.

Who are we?

The Public Protection service consists of the following functions:

  • Trading Standards
  • Licensing, including Street Naming and Numbering
  • Environmental Health
  • CCTV

 What do we use data for?

To deliver our services and perform statutory functions, we record and retain personal information as appropriate to circumstances.  Personal Data is only processed by the service when at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • There is consent of the Data Subject.
  • It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the Data Subject.
  • It is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
  • It is necessary to protect the vital interests of a Data Subject or another person.
  • It is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Data Controller.
  • It is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or a third party.

The relevant condition will vary due to circumstances, but in the main, conditions 3, 5 and 6 are the main reasons personal information is kept and used by the service.

How do we use personal data?

Data is used as described in the Councils Full Privacy Notice on the council’s website at:  .  The service will comply with the requirements of applicable data protection legislation.  Details of corporate data protection procedures are on the Councils website at:

The Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers and so may use any information you have provided for the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and irregularity, for the performance of a contract, or, task carried out in the public interest, or to comply with a legal obligation.   Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations are the Legal basis. 

The Council may also provide personal information to third parties, but only where it is necessary, either to comply with the law or where permitted under Data Protection legislation. The Council will also publish representations it receives on planning and related applications on its website, including names and postal addresses but will not publish personal phone numbers or personal email addresses.

 What is the legal basis for obtaining and processing personal information?

This is necessary for the performance of our functions.

How long do we keep personal data for?

  • Records relating to charges put on property or land are kept until those charges are paid to the council or cancelled;
  • Body worn camera data and public space CCTV video is kept for 31 days then deleted. It is only retained for longer periods if that footage is used as evidence.  In those cases, data is kept for 6 years.

What are my rights in relation to my personal data?

Full details of how you may request personal data are available of the council’s website at Full details of how you may request personal data are available of the council’s website at: Data Protection - Applying for your data

Conwy County Borough Council Full Privacy Notice

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