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Home Council Access to Information Privacy Notices Corporate Improvement and Development

Corporate Improvement and Development

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Engagement activity privacy notice
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In accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force on 25th May 2018, this notice sets out what the Corporate Improvement & Development Team within Conwy County Borough Council will do with any personal or special category data collected as part of our engagement activity.

We will regularly review this notice to make sure we include any further changes that are communicated by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

  • The collection of personal data

As part of its work for Conwy County Borough Council and its partner organisations, the Corporate Improvement & Development team (CIDT) sometimes conducts community and partnership engagement activity, to help shape and inform the Council’s strategic planning activities and projects and to help monitor and report on our performance. This activity may be in the form of online surveys, feedback forms, e-mail contact, focus group sessions, face-to-face interview or other types of consultation and participation.  As part of this engagement activity we may collect personal information from you, to help us better understand who is engaging with us and to allow us to keep in touch with you.

  • What do we mean by personal and special category data?

Personal information or data means anything that can be used to identify an individual.  Special category data is personal data that may be particularly sensitive, such as data about race, health or political affiliations, and usually needs to be treated more carefully.

Each engagement is different, but examples of personal and special category data that can be collected include:

  • name
  • contact information such as your home or business address, your e-mail address or phone number
  • your survey responses
  • information that relates to protected characteristics under the Equalities Act 2010 such as
    • age
    • gender
    • ethnicity
    • disability
    • sexual orientation
    • nationality

What is happening with your information?

Personal data is only collected when you give us permission to do so, and we will make clear what we are using the information for when we collect it. You can choose not to provide any or all of the personal data we ask for.

Contact details are collected to help us keep in touch with you about any progress or developments with the issues you engaged with us about.

Equalities information is collected in line with the Equalities Act 2010 and will only be used to ensure that the engagement activity is fairly representing the views of different people in our community. Again, you can choose not to provide any or all of the equalities data we ask for.

The Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers and so may use any information you have provided for the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and irregularity, for the performance of a contract, or, task carried out in the public interest, or to comply with a legal obligation.   Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations are the Legal basis. 

  • Who is your information shared with?

The personal and special category data you supply as part of any engagement activity conducted by CIDT will be shared with the Council service commissioning the work, but will not be shared with any other Council service or any third party, unless there is a legal basis whereby we are obliged to do so.

If there is an exception where the data is to be shared elsewhere, it will be clearly stated at the start of the engagement.

  • How long will we keep this information?

We will not keep personal or special category data collected during engagement activity for longer than 12 months unless you have given specific permission for us to keep your contact details so we can keep in touch or for future marketing purposes.

  • Your rights under GDPR

You have the right to:

  • have access to the personal information that the Local Authority are processing about you;
  • require Conwy County Borough Council to rectify inaccuracies in that information;
  • the right (in some circumstances) to object to processing on grounds relating to your particular situation
  • the right to restrict processing (in some circumstances)
  • lodge a complaint with the information commissioner who is the independent regulator for data protection

Our contact details

To find out more about the information which the Corporate Improvement & Development Team holds and how we use it, or if you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please contact us at:


Contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office
Information Commissioner’s Office – Wales
2nd Floor, Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH


Phone: 029 2067 8400

Fax: 029 2067 8399

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