Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

A Record Year

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A Record Year

The last financial year was a resounding success for Conwy Employment Hub as it exceeded its expected Job outcomes across all three Welsh Government Employability programmes, and was highlighted as the best across Wales for the Communities for Work programme. 

Despite the pandemic's restrictions, these programmes were a lifeline for many. The Hub's team of mentors and advisers worked tirelessly to provide intensive and personalised support to develop participant's confidence and skills and help them find and maintain employment. The Hub was able to offer employment, jobs and benefit advice, organise training courses as well as securing funding for many to overcome the barriers they faced to get training and employment.

Communities for Work

Communities for Work (CfW) supported by the European Social Fund, is a postcoded programme that works for the long-term unemployed and the economically inactive aged 25 and over, plus young people aged 16-24 not in employment, education or training (NEET). We exceeded the number of job starts for participants aged 25 and over by 215% and 238% for NEETS. 

Communities for Work+

Communities for Work+ (CfW+) operates in a similar way to CfW but the programme is for people who are either in or at risk of poverty and is available throughout Conwy county, and we exceeded the number of job starts by 101%. 


PaCE supports people who are finding childcare costs are preventing them from training or working and by seeking our support we exceeded our aim of helping people return to work by 179%. An incredible 93% of participants on the PaCE programme successfully gained employment with the remaining 7% undertaking training to develop their skills set before seeking employment.

121 participants secured full-time employment
36% in Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism
15% in construction
11% in retail
8% in social care

33 participants secured temporary employment
Mainly in hospitality, leisure and tourism, construction and cleaning

82 participants had barriers to employment
including health issues, homelessness, learning difficulties, lack of access to computers, childcare, debt, transport issues, disabilities and criminal convictions


“I am very proud of the Conwy Employment Hub team and the invaluable support they gave to Conwy residents throughout the year. Its role is to help Conwy residents find meaningful employment through the Welsh Government Employability Programmes and they have continued throughout the pandemic to deliver tailored support to make positive changes to peoples’ lives which in turn have contributed to reducing poverty and social exclusion.

“Conwy County Borough Council’s vision is to become a progressive county that creates opportunities, and the Hub was quick to respond to the local labour and skills shortages we’re currently facing and addressing them with tailored solutions and training courses.  The courses not only empowered the participants with the required skills needed, but importantly included work experience which is crucial in preparing them for employment as well as providing an opportunity to explore possible career options in different sectors.

“I’d like to personally thank the Conwy Employment Hub team on behalf of the Council for their success last year and look forward to seeing their continued success over the next twelve months.”

Dr Lowri Vaughan Brown
Chief Education Officer
Head of Education Services
Social Care and Education Services
Conwy County Borough Council


Success Stories

“I was working in the hospitality industry for a hotel but I was on a zero-hour contract and wanted more security. I’m indebted to CfW+ for the help they’ve given me especially in helping me attend the course in Swansea, which was invaluable in providing the knowledge and skills as well as lots of practical tips, tricks and techniques which I’m putting to good use.” 

Darren, Barista, Ridiculously Rich cafe, Llandudno

"I am partially blind, partially deaf and face other challenges, but nothing can stop me from doing what I want to do, I won’t let it. I am lucky to have had a lot of backing from my family, Conwy Employment Hub, the health board and others, which has given me the confidence to look ahead and explore the opportunities out there. There are platforms and programmes that can help you achieve your dreams - you just have to go for it.” 

Jess, an inspirational 26 year old who with her assistance dog Jingle works as a support worker on the stroke ward at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd and volunteers at PetPlace

"I want to thank Conwy Employment Hub for not giving up even when we got knock backs due to my criminal record and for believing in me and making me feel valued.  My life now has real sense of purpose and I look forward to going to work every day.”

Jason, World Care Environmental Services


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