Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Employer Engagement

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Employer Engagement

Engaging with employers is a crucial part of our programme, and doing it effectively ensures that we are able to upskill our participants to fulfil the needs of the local economy, providing a vital service to our business community as well as supporting the individuals we are working with.

Our Employer Engagement Officer worked closely with employers across all industry sectors alongside our team of mentors which resulted in 20 interviews for our participants, 7 work trials with 5 job outcomes and also arranged volunteer roles for 5 participants.

We secured employment for 8 participants within Conwy County Council with job roles ranging from HGV driver, school caterer, community support worker and carer for the Disability Services team as well as a Direct Payments Officer for the finance department.

Sector specific initiatives included working with DWP on organising a Job Fair for the Hospitality Industry.  16 businesses exhibited who collectively had 300+ vacant job roles. The event was a huge success with 76 job seekers attending resulting in 92 job applications, 34 job interviews arranged, 5 trial shifts arranged and 2 job starts.

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