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Welcome to the Conwy Employment Hub Annual Report

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Welcome to the first Conwy Employment Hub Annual Report from Libby Duo, Strategic Manager, Conwy Employment Hub.

"The last financial year was a challenge for businesses and communities and despite Covid-19 and the many restrictions, I am immensely proud that my work colleagues had the dexterity to swiftly change their working practices.  During this time, we never lost ground on, or even sight of, our remit of helping the residents of Conwy county with employment support, and our record breaking results our testament to their efforts and success.

"The Covid restrictions also had a detrimental effect on many people’s confidence and mental wellbeing and I am delighted that we were successful in our bid to the UK Community Renewal Fund at the end of 2021 to fund five projects under Skills and Employability. One of these projects, Confidently You, is a person centred pre-employment support project for people who require additional support prior to enrolling on our community based employability programmes.   The project focuses on reducing social isolation, building resilience and increasing confidence/self-esteem and after only a few months is seeing phenomenal results.  The timeframe for the whole bid has been extended by six months so this project along with the others we are running will continue until the end of 2022.

"One of our strengths is working closely with private and third party organisations. These cross-sector partnerships are crucial in improving our communities as we strive towards achieving the common goal of supporting, advising and helping Conwy residents in to employment.  During the year, we consolidated these relationships further and have established cross-referral systems as well as collaborated with businesses and organisations to run training programmes.

"All three Welsh Government Employability Programmes have been extended by 12 months, so the year ahead promises to be as successful and rewarding."


A Record Year

The last year was a resounding success for Conwy Employment Hub as it exceeded its job outcomes across all three Welsh Government Employability programmes.

Employer Engagement

Engaging with employers is a crucial part of our programme, and doing it effectively ensures that we are able to upskill our participants to fulfil the needs of the local economy, providing a vital service to our business community as well as supporting the individuals we are working with.


Our focus has been a blended offer of training, prioritising sector specific and employer led skills.

Community Renewal Fund

Conwy Employment Hub was the lead on a successful bid to the UK Community Renewal Fund (CRF) to fund five projects under Skills and Employability totalling £270,000.

Student Workshops

Working with M-Sparc, Conwy Employment Hub funded fantastic workshops at Ysgol y Creuddyn to promote STEM skills and careers.


The Hub also works with the Cynnydd / Progress Project which supports young people aged 16-25 living in Conwy who experience significant barriers to education, employment or training.

Young People Programme

Conwy Employment Hub and Cynnydd / Progress Project ran a programme of events targeting Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing and building resilience for the Young People of Conwy having secured funding from the Welsh Government Youth Support Grant.

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