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Home News News items Budget 2024/25

Budget 2024/25

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Budget 2024/25

Members of Conwy County Borough Council have today (29/02/24) set the Budget and Council Tax for 2024/25.

Council Leader, Cllr. Charlie McCoubrey, introduced the report to the meeting of the Council.

He said, “Once again we, as elected Members, face the unpalatable balance of further cuts to services or punitive and unwelcome increases in Council tax levels.

“Clearly this situation is not unique to Conwy with councils struggling across the UK.

“Much of this is out of our direct control, most notably pay awards, interest rates and other significant elements such as Social Care and Homelessness services which are demand led.

“At a time when personal taxation levels are at record levels it is incredibly disappointing that the work of local government is undervalued and clearly underfunded, leaving Council Tax payers contributing more and receiving less.”

“We’ll do everything we can to protect vital services, but to address the shortfall we will need to reduce business cases; reduce services, and increase Council Tax.”

“I’d like to record my thanks for the pragmatic and collaborative ways in which everyone involved has worked to bridge our highest ever funding gap. But even after all that work we’re left with a gap of £8m. To fund this we’ll require an increase of 8.9% on Council Tax for council services, plus an additional 0.77% for the increase in the levy for the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, which is a combined increase of 9.67%."

The Council approved the Budget and set the Council Tax for 2024/25.

Councillors supported the recommendation that Conwy County Borough Council’s part of the Band D Council Tax for 2024/25 be £1,733.37, which is an increase of £152.84 for the year - equivalent to £2.94 extra per week. 

The actual level of Council Tax chargeable for an individual property will depend on the valuation band for the property, the precept for the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, and the Town / Community Council where the property is situated.

Additional Information:

Conwy has 55,800 dwellings subject to Council Tax, of which around 21,400 receive single person discount.

Around 10,500 households are supported by the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (some of whom will also receive single person discount).

Link to full report and appendices: Conwy Local Democracy : Agenda for Council on Thursday, 29 February 2024, 10.00 am

Organisation 2023/24 £ 2024/25 £ Increase £ Increase % 
Conwy County Borough Council (which includes the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority levy)   1,580.53 1,733.37  152.84  9.67 
 Police & Crime Commissioner for North Wales  333.09 349.65  16.56  4.97 
 Town/Community Councils (Average)  50.20 52.84  2.64  5.26 
 Total  1,963.82 2,135.86  172.04  8.76 
Posted on 29/02/2024

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