Our Team Conwy culture is unique
We aim to make all staff feel welcome, supported and valued, and equip them with the tools they need to do their job well.
Whilst at work you can expect a support network in the form of your colleagues to work through new ideas, celebrate success and address issues we face together.
Conwy has a workforce in its thousands operating a vast range of services. Services are broken down into sections and departments and each of those has a team. Because of this, each team has their own unique dynamic, bringing together shared attitudes, values, interests and goals.
In a recent survey we asked our staff how much they value our team culture. The responses were individual, but there was a common theme. Here’s what one person said:
“Everyone was so welcoming and they made sure to include me in social events, which helped me get to know the team. I can’t ask much more from them, everyone is really supportive!”
Supporting you to be your best
Our coaching culture equips us with tools and learning techniques to support staff to be their best. We train staff to reflect and review their mind set and behaviours so you can continually grow.
Wellbeing is fundamental to our overall health and happiness and Conwy is committed to proactively supporting staff with their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, so that they can maintain the healthiest, happiest version of themselves.

Staff social groups and team building
We regularly ask you how we can help staff across services get to know each other. We encourage all teams to take a step out of the day job every once in a while. Team building strengthens relationships, improves communication, practises planning skills, increases motivation and encourages collaboration. Our strong team culture has seen us through some pretty tough times as well as great successes.
Conwy Conversation
We recognised that sitting down with a line manager every six months to review objectives does not reflect the fast-paced environment that we work in. So we stopped.
We encourage staff to catch up with their line manager as often as necessary, offering both work and wellbeing support. We’re human so this differs for everyone, but our culture encourages us to find the right fit for all.
Time to Change Wales
We are signed up to the Time to Change Wales national campaign to end stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health issues. The campaigns’ goal is to improve attitudes and change behaviours around mental health in society.
By signing up to Time to Change Wales, we aim to build on the work that we’ve already done to support people’s mental health and wellbeing and will use this programme to further challenge the way we think and act.