Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.
Home Resident Crime and emergencies Crime CCTV Accessing Camera Imagery

Accessing Camera Imagery

Summary (optional)
All requests for access Public Space Surveillance Cameras data should be made to Conwy County Borough Council.
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If the surveillance camera footage constitutes 'personal data' and shows any individual who can be identified then this is governed by the Data Protection Act (DPA) & General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). You have a right to access images of yourself (personal data) that may have been recorded on a CCTV camera system.

When any person requests to see personal data held on them they will need to complete a Subject Access form. That person (the data subject) will need to produce identity and original supporting documents.  A copy of the Subject Access Request Form is available from the Information Regulations Unit.

Surveillance camera footage is only retained for 31 days and at the end of this period it is erased.

If any footage is requested that shows an incident and no individual can be identified it will be provided, however we do make a charge for this service as stated in the publication scheme by clicking this link.

The fees are:

  • £85 plus VAT per hour (or part thereof) to view the footage and,
  • £85 plus VAT for a copy of the disc

How to access surveillance camera imagery

Accessing surveillance camera imagery requests for the release of data should be made in writing to:

Public Space Surveillance Camera Section
Regulatory Services
PO Box 1
Colwyn Bay
LL39 0GG

If you have any queries please contact:

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