Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.
Home Resident Housing Housing Improvements Energy Efficiency ECO-Flex: Energy Efficiency Improvements

ECO-Flex: Energy Efficiency Improvements

Summary (optional)
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The ECO4 scheme focusses on supporting low income and vulnerable households.  The scheme aims to improve the least energy efficient homes helping to meet the Government’s fuel poverty and net zero commitments.  The Great British Insulation Scheme supports the ECO4 scheme in the delivery of predominantly single measures targeted at a wider range of households. 

Conwy County Borough Council has published a Statement of Intent allowing the delivery of this scheme. This outlines the eligibility criteria for households.

Information for Householders

Conwy County Borough Council’s involvement in the scheme is purely administrative, and involves assessing your evidence and application to confirm your eligibility (this does not guarantee award of funding). Applications should only be submitted by your chosen installer on your behalf. We do not endorse any installer and will accept applications from anyone active within the scheme. We recommend you undertake your own due diligence (i.e. checking reviews, past works or the TrustMark website), as with any home improvement project.

Information for Installers

Any application(s) which you send require all necessary information and supporting evidence to be attached and clearly labelled to allow for processing to successfully take place. Applications submitted which are considered to be incomplete or sent on outdated forms will be returned and no further action taken by Conwy County Borough Council until all correct documentation and information is provided.

Please find below a GBIS & ECO4 Evidence Checklist which details the documentation required to be submitted for each application made. Each application made is required to have a copy of the completed Evidence Checklist enclosed detailing the documents attached with the application. Any applications submitted which do not have the Evidence Checklist attached will considered to be incomplete and will be returned and no further action taken by Conwy County Borough Council until the application is resubmitted with this attached.

If you are interested in submitting applications to CCBC or have any questions, please contact You can find further information on our processes in the below guidance, alongside resources for applications. 

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