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Home Resident Housing Housing and Homelessness - Unlocking Conwy's Potential

Housing and Homelessness - Unlocking Conwy's Potential

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HHlogoMeeting the housing needs in Conwy County is becoming increasingly difficult and is best described as a "housing crisis".

Conwy's Local Housing Strategy 2018-23 states our vision is for people in Conwy to have access to affordable, appropriate and good quality accommodation that enhances their quality of life. We want to build more than just houses, we want to create sustainable communities where people are proud to call home.

Outcome 4 in Conwy’s Corporate Plan 2022-27: People in Conwy have affordable, good quality accommodation that meets their needs and improves their lives.  

As the Housing challenge is significant it requires commitment and support from many different services across the Council to deliver the objectives in the Local Housing Strategy and Corporate Plan. Such as housing supply, housing policy, housing grants and housing quality.

The Housing and Homelessness Programme has been established to deliver the objectives and ensure there is buy in from across the Council and External Partners.

Unlocking Conwy's potential

We're working with key partners to provide free, independent housing advice to help prevent homelessness in the County
Key partners such as Registered Social Landlords, Tai Teg, Shelter Cymru, Occupational Therapists, Citizens Advice, Nacro, Probation Service, North Wales Police, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, other local authorities.
We're working with key partners to provide land that can be developed for affordable housing
Key partners such as Registered Social Landlords, Tai Teg, Rural Housing Enabler, private developers and builders.
We're working with key partners to ensure appropriate support to access housing is available to those who need it
Key partners such as Registered Social Landlords, Shelter Cymru, Occupational Therapists, Citizens Advice, Probation Service, Supported Housing providers, other local authorities.
We're working with key partners to ensure the right homes are developed in the right places
Key partners such as Registered Social Landlords, Tai Teg, Occupational Therapists, Rural Housing Enabler, private developers.
We're working with Registered Social Landlords to provide accessible housing for people with disabilities in the County
We're working with partners to improve skills and employment opportunities in the County
We're working with property owners to help bring their empty properties back into use by providing free, independent advice and support
We're working with Welsh Government and other partners to bring empty homes back into use as affordable housing
We’re working with Registered Social Landlords, Tai Teg, Rural Housing Enabler, empty home owners.
We're working with communities to develop a community led approach to increasing the supply of affordable housing
We’re working with Registered Social Landlords, Tai Teg, Rural Housing Enabler, Cwmpas, local community members.
We're working with Welsh Government and other partners to regenerate town centres by bringing empty buildings back into use as housing
Other partners such as Registered Social Landlords, Tai Teg.


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