Gwaith cynnal hanfodol ar y wefan – Dydd Iau 9 Ionawr 2020

Byddwn yn gwneud gwaith cynnal hanfodol ar y wefan trwy'r prynhawn, a fydd yn effeithio rhywfaint ar systemau. Rydyn ni'n ymddiheuro ymlaen llaw am unrhyw anghyfleustra y gallai'r gwaith ei achosi a byddwn yn ceisio tarfu cyn lleied â phosib'.

Privacy notice - Kinmel Bay Coastal Defence Improvement Scheme

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The project team for the Kinmel Bay Coastal Defence Improvement Scheme must adhere to the law which requires a pre-application consultation before submitting a planning application.

The information we hold and process for those who respond to this survey include:

  • Your postcode
  • Your age range
  • Protected characteristics (such as ethnicity, disability and sexuality)
  • Understand the impact of the proposed scheme

  • Segment feedback according to demographic groups
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